24 April 2025 – 27 April 2025

1.) Declaration
I declare with my registration that I accept and abide by the official rules. I accept that the official rules also apply to all those who have registered through the entry form.

2.) Health declaration
By registering for the XVIII. NN Ultrabalaton I declare that I am fit and healthy and that no other medical obstacle exists to my participation in the run. I am aware of the fact that the organizer and/or their representatives have no responsibility towards me concerning any kind of harm and/or injury caused to me as a result of participating in the run.

3.) Provisions about photos/videos
All participants agree that the race organizers may use photographs and/or pictures and/or films of any participant taken during the event for promotional and public relations purposes on any media and at any time without remuneration. All participants accept that they may be recorded by security cameras in the Race Centre and/or along the race route. All participants agree that they may be sent letters and/or messages about race information and other sports events by the organizer to the e-mail address and telephone number provided in their Personal Profile.

4.) Transferring registrations
All entrants accept that their registration and race entry pack cannot be transferred.

5.) The registration system and the Personal Profile
Information about the existing and currently applying registration system introduced in 2018 (currently valid) can be found HERE. All participants accept the rules and regulations of the registration system binding. With one Personal Profile, only one team captain position can be created.

6.) Deposit for 2-13 member teams
All participants accept that:
I. After submitting their registration but not later than:
a.) Team of 2-6 pers: 2 October 2024
b.) Team of 6-13 pers: 24 September 2024
they are bound to transfer HUF 40.000 deposit/registration fee to the bank account number provided by the organizers.
II. The remaining amount of the registration fee must be paid latest until 15th January 2025.
IV. In case the deposit is not credited to the organizer’s bank account until the above-mentioned deadlines in 6/I., the registration will be cancelled.
V. In case the total amount of the registration fee is not credited to the organizer’s bank account until 15th January 2025, the registration will be cancelled and the deposit will not be refunded.
VI. Deposit paid after the deadline mentioned in I. will be transferred back to the account of
the sender, after the deduction of bank fees.
VII. Registration fee paid after the deadline mentioned in V. will be transferred back
to the bank account of the sender, after the deduction of bank fees. The registration will
be cancelled by the organizer.

7.) Modification of lap-times
Calculation of lap times for teams can be done by using the section/leg calculator. All participants acknowledge that the start time of the team will be determined by the organizer, based on the data provided by the team captain. Lap times can only be modified through the Personal Profile of the team captain until 1 March 2025.

8.) Modification of T-shirt sizes
T-shirt sizes submitted along with the registration can only be modified until 30 September 2024. (In the case of teams, modification requests must be made through the team captain’s Personal Profile). After the above deadline, no modification is possible, even if there is a change in team members. Individual registrants and registrants for the McDonald’s Bike Mania Cycling Tour can modify their T-shirt size through their Personal Profile until 30 September 2024.

9.) Cancellation of a registration
The organizer can accept the cancellation of registration until 12:00 PM on 1 March 2025, exclusively in written form, sent to [email protected]. In this case, 75% of the registration fee will be refunded. After 1 March 2025, the organizer under no circumstance can accept the cancellation of a registration. The registration cannot be transferred to next year and the registration fee will not be refunded.

10.) Liability Statement
Race numbers and race entry packs can only be picked up after signing the Liability Statement. The Statement must be printed out and handed in at the Race Centre (it is mandatory to do so for all participants, including individual registrants, teams and the participants of the McDonald’s Bike Mania Cycling Tour). Important information for teams: after signing the Liability Statement, changing members on a team is not possible! Liability Statements can be handed in by the team captains (or authorized persons acting as the team captains’ Agents).

11.) Registration Fees
Keeping the deadlines is the sole responsibility of the participants. Important: please bear in mind that the deadline refers to the date the registration fee is credited to the bank account of the organizer, and NOT the date when the bank transfer is made. In case of incomplete payment, the registration only becomes valid after the difference has been paid. In case of incomplete payment, the organizer informs the participant about the difference via e-mail. The participant has 8 calendar days to pay the difference. If the amount is not credited to the organizer’s bank account until the deadline, the registration will be cancelled. Please see point 6. for further reference. In the case of teams, the difference can only be paid via a single payment. Registration fees that are transferred individually will be transferred back after the deduction of bank fees. Participants accept that the organizer can only set out bills using the billing data submitted by the team captain on the registration form. Timing chips will be handed out to the participants in exchange for a HUF 5000 deposit at the race packet pickup. After the race at the race centre, the deposit fee will be returned in exchange for the timing chip but not later than 9th May 2025 at the Race Center in Budapest.

12.) Modification of the number of team members
The number of members on a team can only be modified by adding members to the team and by paying the relevant registration fee. The modification can only be requested via e-mail sent to [email protected]. Please note that we cannot guarantee that all modification requests will be accepted automatically. The number of available T-shirts in stock, the start time of the team, and the fullness of the chosen category will all be taken into consideration before making a decision.

13.) Race entry pack pick-up
Individual and McDonald’s Bike Mania Cycling Tour race packs can be picked up upon showing personal identification, an authorization letter signed by two witnesses or showing the confirmation email.
Race packs for teams can be picked up by the team captain (an ID card is needed), or an authorized person upon showing a letter of authorization written by the team captain and signed by two witnesses or showing the confirmation email. (ID photocard is needed)

14.) Start times
The final start times will be announced by the organizer until 10 March 2025. Start times cannot be modified!
Start times for individual participants are fixed, but depending on the number of runners, the organizer may allocate several other start times for „slower” and „faster” teams in different waves. To provide equal opportunities, race results will only be announced for faster teams.
In case a 2-13 member team wishes to change members, their lap time can be modified via the team captain’s Personal Profile until 1 March 2025.

15.) Company Teams
In the company team category, team names must in some form contain the name of the company. Teams from the same company will start in the same wave, provided their lap times allow. In case there is a significant difference in lap times, the organizer reserves the right to allocate new start times.

16.) Participation right for the 2025 UB
All participants acknowledge that the organizer grants participation right in the 2025 UB for the podium finishers of the 2-13-member male and female teams and the 2-13 member company teams at the race. Participation rights are valid for the same category, under the same team name, and with the participation of the same members of the team, using the same e-mail address provided with the registration by the same team captain, and keeping the registration and payment deadlines.

17.) Parking
For the security of all participants, contestants accept and abide by the parking rules and regulations of the event, both in the Race Centre and at the relay exchange points. The race route will be marked by signboards and painted signs and it will also be displayed in the program leaflet. During the race, all participants must follow these signs. Running by and following the signs along the race route is the sole responsibility of the participant completing the actual section/leg of the race. Members of the STAFF, course marshals, and police officers will help the runners along the route. Participants must at all times follow their instructions. Should an individual or a team decline to do so, their race number and chip will instantly be removed and they shall be disqualified from the race.

18.) Vis maior
All participants acknowledge that in case the race is cancelled in the event of force majeure (mainly but not exclusively due to extreme weather conditions, natural disasters, strikes, blockade, pandemic, or any other extreme and/or unexpected events), the organizer may announce a new date for the event and notify the participants about the changes via e-mail. In the case of vis maior, registration fees cannot be refunded. The organizer reserves the right to modify the venue, date, and route of the event.

19.) If the race will not be held
The Participant acknowledges that if the race will not be held to take place at the newly designated extra time, the Organizer will announce the cancellation of the race, cancel the entry fee and refund it as follows:
I.) 75% of the registration fee within 5 days of the cancellation invoice
II.) The remaining amount (25%) is used to cover all the expenses in the preceding period

If the Organizer is late in relation to the above deadlines, it is obliged to pay default interest in accordance with Act V of 2013 (Civil Code). In case of stormy weather, the organizer may suspend or re-start the race at any time and resume it. The organizer publishes the information for the runners during the race on social media or via mail.

21.) Authenticity of Data
All participants declare that the data submitted along with their registration are valid and correct. They consent to their storage and usage and accept that the organizer may send newsletters, messages and promotional materials, and information about other races to their address and phone number.

22.) Doping
All participants declare that they prepare for the race clean. They do not use drugs or substances specified by and published on the current doping list of WADA. All participants consent to provide a test substance after the race if it is required. Should they refuse to do so, they may be disqualified from the race and their results may be cleared. To keep the purity of the race and in accordance with international regulations on doping, the podium finishers of both the male and the female categories may be required to undergo a doping test. In case of a positive test result, the runner shall be disqualified and the final results of the race shall be modified. Further information on drugs and substances currently on the list of WADA can be found HERE.

23.) The timing system
Runners leading the race may be accompanied – within visual range – by motorcyclists representing the media. Should the timing system fail, the accompanying motorcyclists will manually record the times at the designated points and the time losses at the railway crossings. In case of a timing system fault, the organizer cannot provide a time credit for each participant. The runners will have to accept to enforce the results without a time credit.

24.) Race numbers
All competitors accept to wear their race number attached to the front of their garments at all times during the race. Those who fold or cover their race number or wear it in a way that is not clearly visible may get a 10-minute time penalty. Participants failing to comply with the above-mentioned rule despite repeated warnings may be disqualified from the race.

25.) Disqualification
Disqualification may happen for any of the following reasons:

  • If the runner fails to complete the total distance designated by the organizer.
  • If the registration form and/or the Liability Statement is filled out inaccurately or the data submitted in them are incorrect or incomplete.
  • If the timing chip is used inappropriately.
  • If a participant of the McDonald’s Bike Mania Cycling Tour fails to wear the compulsory wristband.
  • If a runner is accompanied by a car at a running pace or by a bicycle moving improperly, in front or behind the runner.
  • If an individual runner or team of 2-3 members miss more than two (For the individual
    participants it is mandatory to use the checkpoints! A maximum of two points may be

During the 211 km race, the transit of the participants may be recorded manually at several, randomly chosen points. At the end of the race, the times of the individual runners will be checked. In case there is a significant difference (25%+) compared to the personal average time and the foul is confirmed, the participant will be eliminated from the result list!

26.) Railway Crossings
All participants accept to follow the instructions of the course marshals at the level crossings. When the red light is on, crossing the railway tracks is dangerous and prohibited. Competitors who violate the rule may be immediately disqualified from the race.

27.) Bikers
Participants of the McDonald’s Bike Mania Cycling Tour and bike escorts must wear helmets at all times during the race! Using proper lighting on bicycles in accordance with the rules of the Highway Code is mandatory for all bikers!

28.) Refreshments
All participants accept that the organizer provides different types of refreshments for the different categories.  As per previous year’s practice, water and ISO drink will only be served in one’s own soft cup or flask. Single-use cups are not available. Please note, that bananas and glucose only will be provided to the runner wearing the timing chip. For participants of the McDonald’s Bike Mania Cycling Tour refreshments can be picked up only at the designated 8 aid stations. Litter accumulated during the race can only be disposed of at the relay and aid points where it will be collected by the organizer. Littering along the race route is prohibited. Violators of this rule will immediately be disqualified from the race.

29.) Relay Rules
All participants agree that transitions will happen at the designated exchange points where chip timing will take place. Transfer at any other location along the route is also allowed but team vehicles must be driven in a prudent and cautious manner. Team vehicles under no circumstances may disturb the other runners, bikers, and vehicles on the route.

30.) Safety Measures
For safety reasons, all participants must wear headlamps along the night section of the race route. After sunset, the organizer will check the participants at randomly chosen transfer points. Only those wearing the mandatory headlamps will be allowed to continue the race. Bikers must use proper lighting described in the Highway Code. In the absence of the required equipment, the race cannot be continued.

31.) Forbidden
Roller skating (Kangoo shoe or any other sports equipment), running without a race number,
and running with a dog or with any other animal are strictly forbidden! All participants acknowledge
that violators of this rule may immediately be disqualified from the race. Dogs only can enter the
race centre with a muzzle.

32.) Running with a baby stroller
Running with a baby stroller is only allowed during the daytime and it is the sole responsibility of
the runner. The organizer may under no circumstances be held responsible for accidents resulting
from this activity.

33.) Marketing and advertising
Any marketing and/or advertising activity can only be carried out at the event venue after gaining the prior written consent of Balatonman Triatlon Ltd.

34.) Sponsors
During the announcement of the final results, the podium finishers may take their national flag
with them onto the podium. No sponsor banners or signs are allowed on the podium.

35.) Age requirements for entrants
Age specifications for each race distance are the following:
Full marathon individual: minimum 16 years of age on race day written parental consent
Half marathon individual: minimum 13 years of age on race day written parental consent
10K individual: minimum 10 years of age written parental consent
Children under 10 years of age are only allowed to run if accompanied by a parent or an adult.
210K individuals: over the age of 18
Cycling Tour individual: minimum 14 years of age on race day with written parental consent, only if accompanied by an adult.

36.) Medical assistance
Should the medical staff consider a participant’s physical condition unsuitable to continue the race, the participant accepts their decision. For safety reasons the race bib and timing chip of the individual entrants who fail to complete their chosen distance within the cut-off time will be removed at the transfer points and they cannot continue the race. Teams can continue the race without the member being deemed unfit.

37.) Limit regarding the number of participants
The organizer reserves the right to limit the number of participants and close the registration at any time. Should a technical problem arise, the organizer reserves the right to cancel and later reopen the registrations.

38.) Swimming in Lake Balaton
Swimming in Lake Balaton during the race is the sole responsibility of each entrant. The organizer under no circumstances may be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting from it.

39.) Valuables
The organizer cannot be held responsible for any lost or stolen belongings left in the vehicles or in the rooms.

40.) Cut-off times
Individual runners have 31 hours to complete the distance. 2 member teams have 30 hours, 3 member teams have 29 hours to complete the distance, and 4 member teams have 28 hours to complete it. 5-13 member teams have the lap-time given through the registration, but a maximum of 27 (+1) hours. There is no time limit for participants of the McDonald’s Bike Mania Cycling Tour but please note that the finish area will close at 23:00 on 27 April 2025 at the latest. Participants who cannot complete the distance within the cut-off time will not receive the finisher medal (individual runners the finisher line tape) and their results will not be entered into the official result list and statistics.

41.) Time crediting and results
In case of a tight finish, it may happen that the runner finishing first may not win the race because of time crediting at the railway crossings. The same rule applies to team results because teams will start in different waves. This way the final ranking may be modified after the finish line is crossed.

42.) NN UB Ethics
All participants acknowledge that mutual respect and acceptance are inherent in the spirit of the Ultrabalaton race. Traffic control marshals, parking staff, and the UB STAFF all do their job in this spirit. Disrespectful behaviour, assault, spitting, cursing, rude messages, or letters will not be tolerated and the perpetrator will immediately be disqualified from the race and will be banned from all future Balatonman races and events.

43.) Drones
During the event, drones can only be operated in compliance with the existing legislation and upon the prior written consent of Balatonman Triatlon Ltd.

44.) Smoking
Smoking is incompatible with the spirit of our races. For this reason and for the protection of non-smokers, smoking is prohibited along the race route and in the finish area. Those who are found smoking in the area of the race, at any relay exchange points or aid stations, or in the start or finish area, will be disqualified and their race number will be removed.

45.) Insurance
All participants acknowledge that the registration fee does not include insurance.

46.) Complaints
Complaints regarding the event can be made in written form, within three hours after the closing of the event. The organizer is not obliged to deal with late complaints.

47.) Competitor Status
One runner can only be a member of one team. Individual entrants cannot join teams.

The organizer reserves the right to change the Program and the Race Information.

